Monday, August 17, 2009

Classes on Lehigh Valley History to be held in September

Two classes relating to the history of the Lehigh Valley region will be held this fall at the Lehigh County Senior Center in Allentown. Call the Center at 610-437-3700 for further information.

1) Lehigh Valley
This class explores the history of this region and how various events shaped the development of distinct cultures. Meets three Mondays (9/28, 10/5, 10/12) from 10-11 a.m.

2) Hamilton Street Mansions (and perspective on Influx of Ethnic Populations)
The class explores The Allentown and Lehigh Valley area as it existed 100 years ago. Meets two Fridays (9/4, 9/11) from 1-2 p.m.

Both classes are taught by Ted LaRose, who has graduate degrees in U.S. History and Education. He taught high school economics and sociology before retiring. Earlier this summer, Ted took a trip overseas, and I asked him to write me a note about where he'd been:

" I recently returned from a cruise on the Black Sea. I was impressed by the beauty and charm of both the Ukraine, Odessa and Yalta as well as Istanbul. An experience that I recommend for anyone. Sochi in Russia, however, although lovely, seems to be somewhat backward and the people are either apathetic to foreigners or would rather not be receptive to the outside world."

I'd like to hear more stories about what Ted experienced during his travels. For people interested in languages, as I am, this is a fascinating part of the world. Maybe sometime I'll write about that region in my "Language Land - World" blog.

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