Monday, June 29, 2009

Gilgamesh in Allentown

Yesterday I saw the play Gilgamesh in Allentown at the Allentown Symphony Orchestra theatre. It was great! Very engaging, never boring.

The play tied the ancient (5,000 years +) legend of King Gilgamesh in Sumeria to the attempts to create a renaissance in Allentown (Pennsylvania). The music, dancing, acting and sets were enchanting and woven together in a unique way.

Hearing about Allentown and Lehigh County was a nice experience. There was some audience involvement, including the touching testimony of an elderly woman in a wheelchair about the "old days" on an active Hamilton Street. We audience members got a chance to place flowers under photos of Allentown scenes. It was a treat seeing George Miller portraying General Trexler - the General seemed very real indeed! We miss George and Kate while they are in Ireland.

Congratulations to all involved in this creation, behind the scenes as well as in them!

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